Spring Basket Hoop

Spring Basket Hoop

This project is dedicated to Bex, our friend and customer of The Crafty Kit Company.  It’s springtime! The snowdrops are popping up, followed by daffodils, lavender, pansies and all the March events from St. Patrick’s Day to an early Easter. We have created this easy and fun spring baskets to meet all your needs.  A simple project reminiscent of paper basket weaving from our childhood. The colours and ideas are endless in creating a basket hoop. The baskets pair well with many of The Crafty Kit Company’s felt flower kits - see the links in the Supplies section.

We can’t wait to see what you come up with! Be sure to post them on Facebook; Craft Your Way to Happiness!

 Happiest when crafting,

Ana Araujo



Please note: The supplies for each of the Spring Basket Ideas are listed by themed basket.

Spring Basket Hoop Crafty Kit Company

Hoppy Easter Basket

 Other Supplies:

  • Cotton fabric print in yellows
  • Brown embroidery thread and needle
  • 13cm Chocolate Bunny
  • Lindt Chocolate Carrots
  • Or and easter sweeties you like
  • Glue or Adhesive*

Clover Brooch Pot of Gold Spring Basket Craft Project

Pot Of Gold Basket with Good Luck Clover Brooch

 Other Supplies:

  • Cotton fabric in blues
  • Plastic clover coins or foil covered chocolate coins
  • Rainbow colour pipe cleaners
  • Green embroidery thread and needle
  • 10 cm hoop
  • Glue or Adhesive*

 Spring Basket Hoop Craft Project Snowdrop

“Hiya” Snowdrop Basket

 Other Supplies:

  • Cotton fabric in greens
  • Green and White embroidery threads and needle
  • Vintage button
  • Glue or Adhesive* 

Spring Basket Hoop Daffodils Craft Project

Darling Daffodil Basket

 Other Supplies:

  • 14cm bamboo embroidery hoop
  • Cotton fabric in yellows and oranges
  • Brown wool tweed
  • Brown embroidery thread and needle
  • Glue or Adhesive*

Spring Basket Lavender Hoop Craft Project

Thank You Basket of Lavender

 Other Supplies:

  • Cotton fabric in greens, purple and lavender
  • Gingham cotton fabric in lavender
  • Green and lavender embroidery thread and needle
  • Small amount of wool to stuff tag
  • Glue or Adhesive
  • Optional bee charm
  • Print off seed packet 

Spring Basket Hoop Craft Project Pansies Brooches

A Basket Full of Pansies

Other Supplies:

  • Cotton fabric in greens, purple and lavender
  • Green and embroidery thread and needle
  • *Glue or Adhesive

Spring Basket Hoop Craft Project Daisy

Dancing Daisy Basket

 Other Supplies:

  • Cotton print with daisies and bees (or anything you like)
  • Black, white, and yellow embroidery threads and needle



Click here to download the Spring Basket Hoop templates!

 Spring Basket Hoop  Hoppy Easter Basket Spring Hoop Craft Project

Print the templates for the Basket Strips and Bow Patterns and cut out.  Trace the patterns onto freezer paper or onto felt. You can use any combination of the felt fabric colours for the basket strips. Suggested colours are listed in the supplies. If using freezer paper, trace the patterns, then iron onto felt fabric, then cut out.

TIP: To cut the weave strips out of felt fabric, use a rotary cutter and a ruler. You can use the ruler to mark the stirps on the felt (look at suggested sizes on patterns), then cut with scissors or rotary cutter.

Hoppy Easter Basket Spring Hoop Craft Project

Draw a line down the center of 2.54cm (see fold line) Press in half.

Hoppy Easter Basket Spring Hoop Craft Project  Hoppy Easter Basket Spring Hoop Craft Project

Hoppy Easter Basket Spring Hoop Craft Project 

There are two different ways to attach the 13 strips the top strip.

1-Pin them in place (see photo), then stitch in place

2-Use fabric adhesive (see photo, green basket) 

 Hoppy Easter Basket Spring Hoop Craft Project Hoppy Easter Basket Spring Hoop Craft Project

Fold over the 2.54cm top piece, pin in place. Stitch a Back Stitch just above the edge.

 Hoppy Easter Basket Spring Hoop Craft Project Hoppy Easter Basket Spring Hoop Craft Project Hoppy Easter Basket Spring Hoop Craft Project

Now let's weave. Just like when you were a child and weaved paper.

Lift up ever other strip (see photo), place 23 cm strip down. Lay the strips over that one (see photo).

Hoppy Easter Basket Spring Hoop Craft Project Hoppy Easter Basket Spring Hoop Craft Project 

Finish weaving. This photo is weaving with a thinner strip .64cm in greens. Lift up each end strip an ether use hot glue or fabric adhesive to secure in place. Do this along the sides and bottom.

Hoppy Easter Basket Spring Hoop Craft Project Hoppy Easter Basket Spring Hoop Craft Project 

Optional to paint the hoop brown. Place cotton fabric in hoop and tighten. Hot glue the cotton fabric to the back of the hoop.

Measure 8.5cm from bottom of hoop, put a pin the in place. Lay finished weave below pin, pin in place.

Hoppy Easter Basket Spring Hoop Craft Project

With hot glue gun, glue the top strip to each side of the hoop. Add more glue to edge, carefully pressing the basket weave to the edge of the hoop.

Hoppy Easter Basket Spring Hoop Craft Project Hoppy Easter Basket Spring Hoop Craft Project 

Hoppy Easter Basket Spring Hoop Craft Project Hoppy Easter Basket Spring Hoop Craft Project


Once you have glued the basket to the edge of the hoop, turn it over and trim some of the basket weave away. Then hot glue the basket to the inside of the back of the hoop.

Hoppy Easter Basket Spring Hoop Craft Project Hoppy Easter Basket Spring Hoop Craft Project Hoppy Easter Basket Spring Hoop Craft Project Hoppy Easter Basket Spring Hoop Craft Project 

Cut out the basket grass pattern, lay over the felt fabric and cut and snip the grass. Using fabric glue, glue to the inside of the basket weave.

 Hoppy Easter Basket Spring Hoop Craft Project Hoppy Easter Basket Spring Hoop Craft Project Hoppy Easter Basket Spring Hoop Craft Project

Cut out bow patterns from felt fabric. Put a dab of hot glue in the center of the Basket Bow Top, fold over to center as shown. Repeat with other side.

 Hoppy Easter Basket Spring Hoop Craft Project Hoppy Easter Basket Spring Hoop Craft Project Hoppy Easter Basket Spring Hoop Craft Project

Glue Bow Top to Bow Back. Glue Bow Center around the Bow Top and Back. Glue finished bow to top of hoop.

 Hoppy Easter Basket Spring Hoop Craft Project

Now that your Hoppy Easter Basket is done fill it up with sweeties!


I had way too much fun coming up with more Bex’s Spring Baskets! The directions for all the basket hoops are the same. I’m including some photos of each of my ideas. The photo should be pretty explanatory. Oh, and don’t forget to print out Bex’s Spring Basket Bonus (on the second page of this template) featuring:

  • Basket Tags with Embroidery Greetings
  • Seed Packet with flower labels

XO Ana


Pot Of Gold Basket with Good Luck Clover Brooch

Pot Of Gold Basket with Good Luck Clover Brooch Spring Basket Hoop Craft Project Pot Of Gold Basket with Good Luck Clover Brooch Spring Basket Hoop Craft Project

Pot Of Gold Basket with Good Luck Clover Brooch Spring Basket Hoop Craft Project Pot Of Gold Basket with Good Luck Clover Brooch Spring Basket Hoop Craft Project  

Pot Of Gold Basket with Good Luck Clover Brooch Spring Basket Hoop Craft Project


“Hiya” Snowdrop Basket

 “Hiya” Snowdrop Basket Spring Basket Hoop Craft Project “Hiya” Snowdrop Basket Spring Basket Hoop Craft Project “Hiya” Snowdrop Basket Spring Basket Hoop Craft Project “Hiya” Snowdrop Basket Spring Basket Hoop Craft Project


Darling Daffodil Basket

Note: basket is made from tweed wool fabric instead of basket weave.

Darling Daffodil Basket Spring Basket Hoop Craft Project Darling Daffodil Basket Spring Basket Hoop Craft Project Darling Daffodil Basket Spring Basket Hoop Craft Project Darling Daffodil Basket Spring Basket Hoop Craft Project Darling Daffodil Basket Spring Basket Hoop Craft Project Darling Daffodil Basket Spring Basket Hoop Craft Project 

 Darling Daffodil Basket Spring Basket Hoop Craft Project  

Thank You Basket of Lavender

Thank You Basket of Lavender Spring Basket Hoop Craft Project Thank You Basket of Lavender Spring Basket Hoop Craft Project Thank You Basket of Lavender Spring Basket Hoop Craft Project Thank You Basket of Lavender Spring Basket Hoop Craft Project Thank You Basket of Lavender Spring Basket Hoop Craft Project Thank you Basket of Lavender Spring Basket Hoop Craft Project 

A Basket Full of Pansies 

Basket of Pansies Spring Basket Hoop Craft Project

Dancing Daisy Basket

Dancing Daisy Spring Basket Hoop Craft Project Dancing Daisy Spring Basket Hoop Craft Project Dancing Daisy Spring Basket Hoop Craft Project Dancing Daisy Spring Basket Hoop Craft Project 


 Seed Packets Spring Basket Hoop Craft Project Seed Packets Spring Basket Hoop Craft Project Seed Packets Spring Basket Hoop Craft Project

A selection of Spring Basket Hoops

A selection of Spring Basket Hoops A selection of Spring Basket Hoops 

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