Nana Kath’s Beach Hut!
Here at The Crafty Kit Company are getting our beach huts ready for summer fun!
This is a two-part blog project; May is Nana Kath’s Beach Hut, July is The Sues’ Starfish & Seashells that can be added to the beach hut hoop or summer brooches.
Click here to download Nana Kath’s Beach Hut template!
Supply List
Theses supplies are available from the The Crafty Kit Company.
Click on the red text to take you to the specific product pages!
Felting Wool
Note: You can order all eleven colours with Pick’ N Mix
- White
- Dream
- Fawn
- Chestnut Chap
- Buttercup
- Cerulean
- Scarlet
- Bubblegum
- Begonia
- Forest
- Bode
- Felting Fabric: Light Blue
- Felting Needle
- Clover Green Felting Tool
- Eco-Friendly Felting Mat: Large
- Hot Glue Gun
- 15cm Bamboo Embroidery Hoop
Other Supplies
- Fine-Tip Marker
- Scissors
- Tape
- Ball-head pins
- 4 mm White cotton craft cord (optional)
- White acrylic paint, brush (optional)
Print of template. Cut on outside lines on paper stencils and pattern pieces.
Place the hoop onto the felt fabric and trace with maker. Then place Sea and Beach pattern on to the felt fabric and trace.
Felt the beach sand. Blend the Fawn and a little Ginger Pup colours by pulling the wool back and forth. Lay down the wool and stab it in place (leaving the space for the hut free on wool).
Felt the sea. Blend the Bubblegum and Dream colours by pulling the wool back and forth. Lay down the wool and stab it in place (you may need to trace over the waves).
Felt the sea. Blend the White and Dream colours by pulling the wool back and forth. Lay down the wool and stab it in place. It should look wispy.
Paper Stencil has a solid lead line from the boarder to the center image, cut the lead line up to the image. Carefully cut on the line of the image. Tape closed.
Place Paper Stencil Hut as shown on felted background. Poke ball pins through the dots on the stencil to secure it in place (you will do this with all Paper Stencils) Felt the hut with Cerulean wool. Remove pins and stencil.
Place Paper Stencil Roof, lining it up on the top of the Hut. Felt Roof with Buttercup wool.
Fill in the Hut door with Buttercup wool. Add detail to the Hut with Scarlet wool as shown. Frame the door with White wool.
To create the Life Ring, roll two sausages from White and Scarlet wool. Felt a circle above the door add stripes.
Place the hoop over the felted piece. Place Buttercup Wool in the upper right side for the sun. Felted sun in place, add sun-rays.
Now for the Beach Hut Accessories. You can use them all or just the ones you fancy. Place Paper Stencils in the spot you would like them. Wool colours as follows:
Bucket/Buttercup, Crab/Begonia, Nessie/Forest, Bode
Bunting: on the upper left hand felt a thin strip of forest across the sky for a line. Place the Paper Stencil Bunting on the line, felt three colours of wool.
Add details:
- Bucket add: handle and spade
- Crab add: claws and eyes
- Nessie add: a tam and white along bottom edges of body
- Waves add: at shore line, white wool and wool balls.
Place felted Beach Hut scene in hoop. Pull the felt fabric tight. Hot glue to back of hoop.
To give your Beach Hut a more nautical look, glue craft cord around outside edge of hoop.
Note: the hoop was painted white before the scene was put in.
As an American, my design team in England, Wales and Scotland gave me many pointers on beach huts (we don’t have them here in the states) and the proper name for bucket and spade (US-bucket and shove), life ring (US-life preserver). They are the best design team and support group!
As stated, this is a two-part project. You can do the Nana Kath’s Beach Hut as shown or in July, you can add The Sues’ Starfish and Seashells to the hoop.
I encourage you to use your own colour (color) pallet in creating your beach hut(s).
Please post your huts on The Crafty Kit Company’s Facebook page: Craft Your Way To Happiness-
Ana x